Friday, November 05, 2010

NYC 9 Rd - NY

by theseventhgeneration
This is a revisit to a place I described quite some time ago (click here for the link and scroll down to the last two photos). I'm giving away the location for a few reasons. One is that these were nearly damaged by clearing of power lines. Two is that they are right along the road so they are nice viewing for anyone who can't get out into the woods. Three, because the area is posted and patrolled by the NY City DEP - No Trespassing. But if you are riding by, you can see them from the road. They are on NYC 9 Rd between O'Hearn Rd and Bush Hill Rd. in Andes, NY.
The photo above shows three and there is one more to the right (not in the picture) that is not as glamorous.

Here's a zoom of the best looking one:Is that a foreleg?I might be sticking my neck out here (since the possible turtle in the pictures above is not sticking his out), but I think I see a turtle here, too, from The Pepacton Ledges:Lucky turtle, perched above a sweet flowing creek with a nice white rock near him. Both turtles face southwest, by the way.


pwax said...

Gorgeous (without the turtle embellishments).

theseventhgeneration said...

I went back out there today...there is a little bit more to report!